Particularities of the Romanians’ political life in Bukovina and the establishment of the Romanian Peasants’ Party
Autor: Angela CRĂCIUN
Cuvinte-cheie: Bukovina, Romanians, political life, Aurel Onciul, peasantry.
The period between the last elections for the Imperial Parliament and for the local Diet, namely from the spring of 1911 until the outbreak of the First World War in the summer of 1914, was one of the most troubled in the political life of the Romanians from Bukovina. During this interval the Romanians were represented by three political groups: the conservatives, the nationalists and the democrats.
The last ones established in April 1914 the Romanian Peasants’ Party and had as the main goal to represent the largest social class among the Romanians from Bukovina, the peasantry. The Romanian Peasants’ Party appeared to be also the last solution for the political survival of Aurel Onciul, one of the most important Romanian political figures from Bukovina before the First World War.
In the eyes of its contemporaries this party was a sign of both modernization and disaster. The supporters of this party explained its existence as the synchronization with the spirit of those times. Its adversaries argued that including the class struggle on the political agenda of Bukovina was the ultimate defeat for the Romanians’ national cause.