The first town-planning measures of the Balta-Liman Government in Moldavia (1849)

The first town-planning measures of the Balta-Liman Government in Moldavia (1849)


Cuvinte-cheie: the Balta-Liman Government, town-planning, transportation, street pavement, Pavements’ Committee, Public Works’ Department, Body of Ephors, budget.
Autor: Codrin MURARIU

Scarcely analyzed, the domain of town-planning measures taken by the Balta-Liman Government at its beginnings encloses a large number of novel and interesting aspects. From this point of view, the appeal to archive funds has the benefit of shedding light on the multitude of documents issued in that period, most of which have never been presented or discussed so far. The study of the various circumstances referred to in reports, reclamations and princely acts of the time reveals different and particular problems. However, it can be assumed that almost all of them are connected by two almost incessantly recurring entwined themes: the construction of pavements in Moldavia’s capital city of Iaşi and the financial expenditures needed to accomplish this objective. It is to be noted that after the creation of the Public Works’ Department, although the first theme retained its importance, the scope of the government’s town-planning designs expanded to include other issues, such as the improvement of Iaşi’s sewage system or the plantation of trees. On the other hand, after the Pavements’ Committee was replaced by the new organism dedicated to town-planning measures, the budget issue needed much clarifying because of difficulties such as complaints and monetary claims.