Romania at the European Commission of the Danube (1878-1882). The debates՚ file and the diplomatic implications

Romania at the European Comission of the Danube (1878-1882). The debatesʼ file and the diplomatic implicationsy


Author: Gheorghe CLIVETI
Keywords: the Danube Question, the Treaty of Berlin, the European Commission of Danube, the Riparian States Commission, the navigation՚s reglements, the Danube՚s sector Iron Gates – Galați, the London Conference and Treaty of 1883.
DOI: 10.58543/rjmh.2023.14.1-2:35

According to the Berlin Treaty of 1878, Romania, as independent State, became member of the Danube European Commission, institution with its residence in Galați. Romanian State was a riparian one, for the Danube՚s sector from the Iron Gates to the river՚s Delta, with the branches to the Black Sea. From the year 1878 to that of the London Conference, 1883, the debates within European Commission, at Galați, were very tense, concerning the regime of the great river՚s navigation, for the Iron Gates – Black Sea՚s sector. A very disputed question concerned the Riparian States Commission, whose presidency was claimed by Austro-Hungary, supported by Germany, contested by Romania, and formally agreed by France, Great Britain, Italy, Russia and Turkey. As a foreseen consequence, Romania refused to ratify the London Treaty of 1883, concerning the Danube՚s status.