Medicine on paper. The first Romanian medical journals and their founders
Author: Mircea-Cristian GHENGHEA
Keywords: Romanian press, medicine, foreign physicians, modernisation.
The segment represented by the medical press of the 19th century is still insufficiently known and appreciated within the history of medicine when considering the general evolution of the medical science during the modern times. This is even more valid in the Romanian case, where the foundation and the importance of the specialized periodicals before the unification of the Principalities Moldavia and Wallachia (1859) represent a familiar subject only for certain researchers who are familiarized with both the modernisation of the Romanian society and the development of the Romanian medical press. Therefore one might say that a study regarding the beginnings of this press and the founders of the first Romanian specialized journals adds to the better knowledge and understanding of the social impact that medicine had in the 19th century before the constitution of the Romanian national state. From this point of view our contribution deals with three main research directions: history of the Romanian press, history of medicine, and prosopography. This is also an opportunity not only for (re)discovering the figures of those who practically laid the foundation stone of the Romanian modern medical life, but also for getting in touch with a few of the oldest periodicals in the entire history of the Romanian press.