From “Nepărtinitorul” (1856) to “Ecoul munţilor” (1871). Preliminaries for a history of the Moldavian anti-unionist and separatist press in the 19th century
Author: Mircea-Cristian GHENGHEA
Keywords: anti-unionism, separatism, 19th century, press, Moldavia, Teodor Boldur-Lăţescu.
Despite the fact that the researches regarding the history of the Romanian press have registered a commendable development from the ’90s onwards, the knowledge of the anti-unionist/separatist phenomenon in the former Principality of Moldavia in the 19th century remained at a less satisfactory level. On the same level falls the press activity unfolded by those who opposed the Union and who, subsequently to its achievement, manifested themselves more or less open to the separation of the two principalities, Moldavia and Wallachia. Through this article we sketch a research project in which we will attempt to accomplish a unitary analysis from a critical and historical point of view of the press segment afferent to the anti-unionist/separatist phenomenon in Moldavia of the 19th century.