Féminisme et piétisme cosmopolites. Mme de Krüdener: femme politique et figure mystique
Author: Daniel S. LARANGÉ
Keywords: political mysticism, feminism, cosmopolitism, Holy Alliance, Christian socialism.
Barbara Juliane Krüdener (1764-1824), who is “a truly original and really French writer, despite her foreign origins”, is a modern citizen of a Europe without frontiers where peoples and classes are no longer opposed but build together a peaceful future. It might be time to reconsider the antagonism between Enlightenment and darkness because the woman question in the glance of the Counter-revolution Legitimist concerns directly the false opposition between reason and the Enlightenment. Prophetic discourse with social and political resonances is the plea for feminism to succeed in the emerging new society.
The strangeness of Ms. Krüdener should not obscure her real attempts at action in the world to improve the fate of each and destroy the walls that hide the manipulation of history. Her “romantic life”, the “romanticism” of her views and political and social “visions” are not without relevance. They fed the imagination of women who knew her and those who dream to speak freely, as she has been able to do so in the upper echelons of the state and among the simple people.