La fin du gouvernement de Manolache Costache Epureanu en Moldavie (1859-1860) et les commencements de la vie parlementaire en Roumanie
Author: Alexandru GAVRIŞ
Keywords: government, conservatives, liberals, politician, prince.
The Moldavian government of Manolache Costache Epureanu ascended to power in a time of political crisis and change. Its authoritarian policy, understanding the introduction of reforms not as a result of a consensus between state powers, but as a unilateral action of the executive (Prince Alexandru Ioan I and his cabinet), conferred legitimacy to an opposition without precise political orientation. The dissolution of the Legislative Assembly and the trials involving critics of the cabinet complicated its position even more. The elections were won by the same hostile politicians that had formed the majority in the outgoing Assembly. The government resigned and the former ministers faced even the perspective of impeachment. The „strong government” policy, but also the cross-party opposition dominated the reign of Alexandru Ioan I and finally led to his fall.