Vol. V, Nr. 1-2, Iunie – Decembrie 2014 ARTICOLEIoan-Augustin GURIŢĂ, Side Notes on the Events in the Moldavian Metropolitan in the First Months of the Year 1786, p. 5 (citește rezumatul)Nicoleta ROMAN, Être nourrice à Bucarest au début du XIXe siècle: pistes de travail, p. 19 (citește rezumatul)Dionisie LIBONI, Contacts between the Romanians from Bessarabia and those from the Principality of Moldova during the Period of Russian Government (1828-1834), p. 41 (citește rezumatul)Ana-Maria CHEŞCU, Foundation, Features and Businesses of the Sardinian Consulate of Galaţi in the First Half of the 19th Century, p. 53 (citește rezumatul)ABREVIERI p. 75INSTRUCȚIUNI PENTRU AUTORI p. 77