“So humble and truly devoted to his church”: Dionisie Erhan. Biographical notes

“So humble and truly devoted to his church”: Dionisie Erhan. Biographical notes


Autor: Ioan-Augustin GURIŢĂ
Cuvinte-cheie: Dionisie Erhan, Bessarabia, Romania, Orthodox faith, national consciousness.

Dionisie Erhan was one of the clergymen who played a part in maintaining and affirming the Romanain consciousness in Bessarabia. A distinguished personality, he had a special activity for the enlightenment and help of the people. Through this text we try to offer a proper overview of his biography and acievements in interwar Bessarabia, as he was one of the most appreciated Romanian clergymen of the time. In 2018, 75 years after his death, his remains were found intact and untouched at the Monastery of Suruceni, and in the same year the Holy Council of the Romanian Orthodox Church declared Bishop Dionisie Erhan a Saint, having the date of 17 September as remembrance day.