Internal and external conditionings for the constitution of the 1863-1865 Diet in Sibiu within the context of the Liberalist Regime in the Habsburg Empire
Autor: Mircea-Cristian GHENGHEA
Cuvinte-cheie: Transylvania, United Principalities, Hungary, Habsburg Empire, liberalist regime, Sibiu Diet, Romanian national movement.
Among the Romanian achievements after the October Diploma in 1860, the constitution of the Diet in Sibiu in 1863 may be counted as one of greatest importance. The internal conditionings specific to the Habsburg Empire were aggravated by the loss of the 1859 war which made Vienna’s politics turn sensitive to international reactions. The transition of Serbian arms on Romanian territory (1862) and the beginning of the Polish insurrection (January 1863) strongly influenced the situation within the empire. Strategic reasons and of external politics together with internal factors determined Vienna to play the card of national rights in Transylvania.