Diary pages from the Great War. August 1916 in the memoirs of Romanian women

Diary pages from the Great War. August 1916 in the memoirs of Romanian women


Autor: Claudiu-Lucian TOPOR
Cuvinte-cheie: war, memories, nationalism, collective depression.

The feminine diary in particular rose to new heights of popularity in the first years of the Great War. The historical circumstances were conducive to reflection and therefore encouraged confessional writing. The men’s war happens at the same time as the women’s but admittedly it is a different kind of war, and the memoirs testify to this abundantly. Women’s diaries reveal a more profound sensitivity. More rich in details (apparently irrelevant to men), they reveal emotion, sensitivity and sometimes prejudice against one thing or another, enough to ensure some variation in the overall picture of the war. And this war seems closer to what the people felt at that time.