Side notes on the events in the Moldavian Metropolitan in the first months of the year 1786
Autor: Ioan-Augustin GURIŢĂ
Cuvinte-cheie: 1786, the Ecumenical Patriarch, Leon Gheucă, Gavriil Callimachi, the Metropolitan of Moldavia.
In February 1786, the Metropolitan of Moldavia, Gavriil Callimachi (enthroned in 1760), passed away. He had one of the longest ruling of all the metropolitans that had been enthroned before at Suceava or Iaşi. His death would bring about some arguments and complaints with the Ecumenical Patriarch from Constantinople, due to the fact that he had been metropolitan of Thessaloniki before coming to Iaşi, and for such a transfer one needed the approval of the ecumenical patriarch. Thus, the patriarchs on the banks of Bosphorus tried to meddle by direct intervention in the choice of the Metropolitan of Moldavia, which led to a strong reaction from the Moldavian clergy and boyars. This article refers to all these events and the context of their deployment.