Foundation, features and businesses of the Sardinian consulate of Galaţi in the first half of the 19th century
Autor: Ana-Maria CHEŞCU
Cuvinte-cheie: consul, commerce, porto-franco, representative office, dragoman.
The purpose of this paper is to present the activity of the Sardinian General Consul, in the port city of Galaţi, during the first half of the 19th century. Consulted material included archival sources, documentary sources, monographs, and historical synthesis. Through the correlation of data extracted from historiography sources and archival sources, we were able to bring completions to the existing material, regarding the activities of Sardinian diplomatic agents in Galaţi. The structure of this study will go, from the general, to the particular, from the presentations of the international background in which they established the first Ottoman-Sardinian relations, the cases which determined the establishment of the Sardinian Consular office.