Etre nourrice a Bucarest au début du XIXe siècle: pistes de travail

Etre nourrice a Bucarest au début du XIXe siècle: pistes de travail


Autor: Nicoleta ROMAN
Cuvinte-cheie: Wallachia, Bucharest, 19th century, women’s history, wet-nurse.

The present study intends to be an excursion into the world of women’s work in the first half of 19th-century Wallachia. For this period, their activity was linked to family and children and this is why we stop on what being a wet-nurse meant. As an employee, how did she defend her rights? What does her fortune consist of? And furthermore, is there any difference between the one who serves an individual and another one who serves the State? The study must be seen as an inquiry which is at its beginnings since many other aspects are still to be considered.