Quelques aspects concernant la collaboration du boyard Alecu Ghica avec le prince Mihail Sturdza (1834-1849)
Autor: Codrin MURARIU
Cuvinte-cheie: Alecu Ghica, Mihail Sturdza, opposition, boyars, Department of Internal Affairs, prince.
The following study aims to reveal and analyze parts of the discontinuous and often difficult political relationship between one of Moldavia’s most revered boyars and its ruling prince: Alecu Ghica and Mihail Sturdza. Men of differing principles, the two figures clashed frequently in matters of greater or lesser importance; while Alecu Ghica usually chose to resign as a sign of protest towards the corruption of the regime, Prince Mihail Sturdza had almost always the ability to reconcile him in order to use his prestige among Moldavians in the benefit of his administration. In spite of this, foreign observers and even the prince’s subjects viewed Alecu Ghica as an honest and virtuous man, while Mihail Sturdza was perceived as the exact opposite.