La restauration litteraire: une liste des livres d’un politicien du XIXe siecle

La restauration litteraire: une liste des livres d’un politicien du XIXe siecle


Autor: Alexandru GAVRIŞ
Cuvinte-cheie: conservatism, books, memoirs, history, politician.

Although the political activity of Petre P. Carp was extensively covered by previous historical research, his intellectual profile is not as well known. The list inventorying a part of his library is an interesting source for the historian interested in retracing the role of Carp in the intellectual history of the Romanian conservatism and the relation between the bookish sources and the day-to-day politics. The preponderance of the French influence and the passion for the Middle Ages or the Ancient Regime are useful clues regarding his cultural preoccupations and political options. Finally, the document is important with regard to the readings of the Romanian social elite in the second half of the 19th century.