The entry of the Russian troops in Moldavia (june 1853). Facts, observations, points of view
Autor: Codrin MURARIU
Cuvinte-cheie: Prince, troops, Gorceakov, letter, Porte, Russia, occupation, Moldavia.
A recurring theme of the modern period, the Russo-Ottoman conflicts had serious consequences on the Romanian Principalities, among which the most grave was the loss of Moldavia’s north-eastern part, dubbed Bessarabia from 1812 onwards. At the middle of the 19th century a new such crisis arose, stemmed by tsar Nicholas I’s idea to end the existence of the “sick man of Europe”, as he called the Porte, once and for all. The text that follows focuses on the diplomatic entanglements that emerged in Moldavia around the time of the Russian army’s entry, among others Prince Grigore Alexandru Ghica’s attitude towards both the Porte and Russia or the role and attributions of the deputation he sent to meet the Russian invaders.