Quelques aspects de l’histoire du monastere de Coşula
Autor: Ioan-Augustin GURIŢĂ
Cuvinte-cheie: the monasteries of Moldavia, monastic life, Moldavia, exterior painting, Schitul Mare, titular hierarchs.
Coşula is one of the most important monasteries of Moldavia, the foundation of the treasurer Mateiaş, it was built in time of the first reign of Petru Rareş. Being one of the outstanding achievements of that period, architectural and pictorial, Coşula is placed among the great foundations of its time. The history of this monastery is not well known due to the fact that, until now, no monograph was dedicated to it. That is why, with this text we shed light on the history of this Moldavian monastery, especially for the 18th and 19th centuries.