Manolache Costache Epureanu: les livres et l’homme
Autor: Alexandru GAVRIŞ
Cuvinte-cheie: politician, conservatism, intellectual sources, ideology, books.
Manolache Costache Epureanu was the first leader of the Romanian Conservative Party and, at the same time, an important intellectual landmark in its history. He remained one of the most educated politicians of his generation, often exploiting in the political discourse the intellectual capital which he had accumulated. Edmund Burke, Montesquieu or John Stuart Mill, and also many jurists, economists or writers ranked among the authors whom Costache Epureanu referred to, over the time, in his brochures and parliamentary discourses. The subjects related to these references were the revolution of 1789, the constitutional order or “the Jewish question”. The contribution of Manolache Costache to the doctrinaire definition of the Romanian conservatism is denoted by the nature of his discourse, by its originality and by its historical context.