The last “dedication” to the Holy Places and the premises of the secularization of the monastery estates
Autor: Lucian-Valeriu LEFTER
Cuvinte-cheie: secularization of the monastery estates, the Mount Athos, monastery dedication, Greek monks, Moldavia.
The last dedication of a Romanian monastery from Moldavia to the Holy Places, namely the Floreşti monastery in Vaslui county towards Esfigmen from Mount Athos, took place in 1806 due to metropolitan Veniamin Costachi. A foundation of Costachi family – great Moldavian boyars – it also had hermitages (branches) two of which – Hârsova and Golgofta – subsequently revoked their dedication based on the law of the founder who did not want it. These facts foresee the new times and the modern spirit materialized in 1863 by the law of the secularization of the monastery estates, dedicated or not, from the Principalities Wallachia and Moldavia.