“For the benefit of the country’s tranquility and safety”. The Nadoche and Waikum affairs (November 1850 – March 1851)

“For the benefit of the country’s tranquility and safety”. The Nadoche and Waikum affairs (November 1850 – March 1851)


Autor: Codrin MURARIU
Cuvinte-cheie: Nadoche, Waikum, affair, banishment, Danube, pârcălab, adventurer, subject, tranquility.

One of the major conditions in the completion of Russia’s withdrawal from Moldavia in the first half of the year 1851 was the certitude that Prince Grigore Alexandru Ghica could maintain and control a peaceful internal situation. From this point of view, the Nadoche and Waikum affairs posed a real challenge to the Moldavian authorities. In both cases, the presence and the activity of two suspect foreign subjects in the Principality demanded urgent measures, in order to prove both Russia and the Porte that the government could deal with such threats. However, the confusion roused by the Nadoche affair, coupled with the diplomatic complications of the Waikum affair, showed that the Moldavian administration had to make further efforts to temper its overzealous attitude and to overcome bureaucratic difficulties.