“L’hypothese” maçonnique relative à l’élection d’Alexandru Ioan Cuza en tant que prince régnant des Principautés Unies

“L’hypothese” maçonnique relative à l’élection d’Alexandru Ioan Cuza en tant que prince régnant des Principautés Unies


Cuvinte-cheie: Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Union, freemasonry, historiography.
Autor: Mihai COJOCARIU

In the multiplicity of views on freemasonry in Romanian area, one aspect stubbornly continues to resist: the one expressed by the historiography of Mason origin on a moment of overwhelming historical importance – the formation of the Romanian national state in 1859 and the nomination of Alexandru Ioan Cuza as ruler. Emerged in the 50’s of the 20th century, this aspect was subsequently used in other studies perpetuating the idea that Cuza was a freemason and that this quality of his was the main asset that led to his election as ruler with the support of the Masonic lodges in those times. Problems which arise are the lack of a documentation base attesting to this Mason quality and the flagrant errors in presenting the events that took place around the year of the Union. Although some aspects may be interpreted in this sense, a paper to prove has not yet been found. Our study examines the views expressed in the historiography of Mason origin and the opinions of professional historians. This Masonic “hypothesis” must be addressed with caution because without evidence the award, by need for legitimacy, of the merit of creating the modern Romanian state can not be accepted as true.