The Russian occupation of Moldavia (1849-1851). The issue of reimbursement of expenses
Autor: Codrin MURARIU
Cuvinte-cheie: Moldavia, expenses, payment, Russia, treasury, amount, tax.
In contrast with its expected benefits, the retreat of the Russian troops from Moldavia in the spring of 1851 posed a new set of problems for the government of the principality. Aside from Grigore Alexandru Ghica’s obligation to maintain public order and tranquility, the issue of the payment due to the Russian Treasury for the expenses of the occupation was the second biggest problem to emerge. Its recurrence in 1851 and 1852 clearly showed that Russia was not disposed to reduce or give up her financial interests for the sake of maintaining good relations with Moldavia’s prince or with the Porte. Although the year 1852 saw the peaceful diplomatic resolution of this matter, the rapid deterioration of the relations between Russia and the Porte at the beginning of 1853 and the subsequent reoccupation of the Principalities by the first of these two powers offered the unexpected chance of only a partial fulfilment of the payment.