Arthur Baligot de Beyne, secrétaire en chef du cabinet princier d’Alexandru Ioan Cuza

Arthur Baligot de Beyne, secrétaire en chef du cabinet princier d’Alexandru Ioan Cuza


Autor: Marinela NECOLAU
Cuvinte-cheie: Romanian-French reports, Arthur Baligot de Beyne, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Elena Cuza, Carol Davila, Costache Negri, Vasile Alecsandri, diplomatic agency, camarilla, coup d’etat.

Alexandru Ioan Cuza’s reign knows a very important episode and very little investigated, namely the collaboration of the Prince with Arthur Baligot of Beyne. Ardent supporter of the Romanian cause, Baligot is recommended to the Prince by Costache Negri and Vasile Alecsandri to fill the position of secretary since he was in Constantinople and held the position of secretary of the French Embassy in the capital of the Ottoman Empire. Sworn in as head of the Prince’s cabinet, after prolonged discussions, he becomes a very influent person in the entourage of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, whom he sometimes supports in taking major political decisions. The collaboration between the two continues even after Cuza’s deposition, Baligot keeping many of his former attributions among which writing the Prince’s correspondence. After Alexandru Ioan Cuza’s death, Baligot becomes a close friend of the Prince’s family, assuming, in a certain way, the role of secretary to Princess Elena Cuza and tutor of the defunct Prince’s children.