The revolutionary movement of 1821 in Andrei Oţetea’s historiographical conception Autor: Marian HARIUC Cuvinte-cheie: Andrei Oţetea, revolutionary movement, historiography, Stalinist historians. The revolutionary movement from 1821-1822 has been a subject of interest for the historians since the beginning of Romanian Modern historiography. During the communist period, Andrei Oţetea was the main historian who devoted […]
Internal and external conditionings for the constitution of the 1863-1865 Diet in Sibiu within the context of the Liberalist Regime in the Habsburg Empire Autor: Mircea-Cristian GHENGHEA Cuvinte-cheie: Transylvania, United Principalities, Hungary, Habsburg Empire, liberalist regime, Sibiu Diet, Romanian national movement. Among the Romanian achievements after the October Diploma in 1860, the constitution of […]
Infant mortality in rural Transylvania: a case study on four parishes in the second half of the 19th century Autor: Izabela Georgiana COROIAN Cuvinte-cheie: historical demography, infant mortality, neonatal mortality, gender differences, epidemiological diseases, airborne diseases, Reformed-Calvinist and Orthodox parishes. In the 19th century Europe was still confronted with high levels of mortality, especially […]