The Romanian parliamentary elite from Banat on the eve of the First World War Autor: Ovidiu-Emil IUDEAN Cuvinte-cheie: Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Banat region, parliamentary elite, electoral phenomena, national minorities, political orientations. Central and East-European historiography has intensely focused on the political life of the nationalities in the Dual Monarchy. This paper aims to complement […]
Russian diplomats in Japan and their colleagues from the Western world from 1855 to 1904 Autor: Olena B. KYRYCHENKO Cuvinte-cheie: Russian diplomats, consul, minister, Japan, United States, Great Britain. This article presents the causes of the rivalry and collaboration between Russian diplomats in Japan and their colleagues from Western states. The comparison of the […]
From “Nepărtinitorul” (1856) to “Ecoul munţilor” (1871). Preliminaries for a history of the Moldavian anti-unionist and separatist press in the 19th century Autor: Mircea-Cristian GHENGHEA Cuvinte-cheie: anti-unionism, separatism, 19th century, press, Moldavia, Teodor Boldur-Lăţescu. Despite the fact that the researches regarding the history of the Romanian press have registered a commendable development from the […]
Mazzini and Marx: two political statements Autor: Remus TANASĂ Cuvinte-cheie: private property, nationality, class struggle, republicanism, labour. The birth of the First (Socialist) International in 1864 provides the opportunity for two political thinkers of the 19th century, Karl Marx and Giuseppe Mazzini, to both cooperate and quarrel. As ideological cofounders of the organization, The […]