Images of desolation: the Russian Revolution and the Romanian front Autor: Gheorghe NEGUSTOR Cuvinte-cheie: the Great War, 1917, Russian Revolution, Romanian front, Bolshevism, Bessarabian unification with the Romanian Kingdom. The events of 1917 within the Tsarist Empire had multiple implications in the military deployment of the Great War. The destabilisation of the Eastern front […]
The Romanian-German belligerence from the perspective of an unpredictable outcome: the matter of the Focșani armistice (26 November / 9 December 1917) Autor: Claudiu-Lucian TOPOR Cuvinte-cheie: war, armies, governments, command, armistice, peace. When studying the outcome of a war, historians often get used to easily pass over the coordinates of the armistice. Within the […]
In the shadow of silence. The Gonata boyars in Bessarabia Autor: Mihai Anatolii CIOBANU Cuvinte-cheie: Gonata, Bessarabia, Zberoaia, manor, boyars, Romanian Academy. Through this article we bring again in the attention of the Romanian historiography the past of a less known Bessarabian family. Gheorghe Bezviconi wrote some things about the Gonata boyars, his studies […]
Vasile Pogor the father (1792-1857) “the honest dignitary and talented writer” Autor: Iulian PRUTEANU-ISĂCESCU Cuvinte-cheie: Vasile Pogor the father, Moldavia, Iași, boyars, estates. Vasile Pogor the father descended from an old boyars family but, like many others, they did not maintain their rank in the history of the Principality of Moldavia. Born in 1792, […]