History as the decline of community: Nisbet on modernity Autor: Gergely EGEDY Cuvinte-cheie: political monism, social pluralism, alienation, impersonality, decline of community, the state as revolution. Robert Nisbet argues that the rise of the bureaucratized modern state has drastically eroded the foundations of communities – family, church, neighborhood, various civil associations. His analysis of […]
Manolache Costache Epureanu: les livres et l’homme Autor: Alexandru GAVRIŞ Cuvinte-cheie: politician, conservatism, intellectual sources, ideology, books. Manolache Costache Epureanu was the first leader of the Romanian Conservative Party and, at the same time, an important intellectual landmark in its history. He remained one of the most educated politicians of his generation, often exploiting […]
The entry of the Russian troops in Moldavia (june 1853). Facts, observations, points of view Autor: Codrin MURARIU Cuvinte-cheie: Prince, troops, Gorceakov, letter, Porte, Russia, occupation, Moldavia. A recurring theme of the modern period, the Russo-Ottoman conflicts had serious consequences on the Romanian Principalities, among which the most grave was the loss of Moldavia’s […]
Quelques aspects de l’histoire du monastere de Coşula Autor: Ioan-Augustin GURIŢĂ Cuvinte-cheie: the monasteries of Moldavia, monastic life, Moldavia, exterior painting, Schitul Mare, titular hierarchs. Coşula is one of the most important monasteries of Moldavia, the foundation of the treasurer Mateiaş, it was built in time of the first reign of Petru Rareş. Being […]
Féminisme et piétisme cosmopolites. Mme de Krüdener: femme politique et figure mystique Autor: Daniel S. LARANGÉ Cuvinte-cheie: political mysticism, feminism, cosmopolitism, Holy Alliance, Christian socialism. Barbara Juliane Krüdener (1764-1824), who is “a truly original and really French writer, despite her foreign origins”, is a modern citizen of a Europe without frontiers where peoples and […]