Die Politische Rede der Rumänischen Neutralität (1914-1916). Das Nationale Ideal in der Kriegsrhetorik Autor: Claudiu–Lucian TOPOR Cuvinte-cheie: nation, discourse, politics, war, alliances The Great War marked a turbulent period in the history of Europe. In addition to the street demonstrations, the media’s role and the significance of the political discourse have acquired new meanings […]
Arthur Baligot de Beyne, secrétaire en chef du cabinet princier d’Alexandru Ioan Cuza Autor: Marinela NECOLAU Cuvinte-cheie: Romanian-French reports, Arthur Baligot de Beyne, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Elena Cuza, Carol Davila, Costache Negri, Vasile Alecsandri, diplomatic agency, camarilla, coup d’etat. Alexandru Ioan Cuza’s reign knows a very important episode and very little investigated, namely the […]
The United Romanian Principalities’ press and the union of Transylvania with Hungary. Debates, reactions and opinions (1860-1861) Autor: Mircea-Cristian GHENGHEA Cuvinte-cheie: Transylvania, union, Hungary, Hungarian empire, press, United Principalities During the Habsburg liberalist period, the nations and nationalities within the Austrian empire seemed to achieve most of their objectives that were vital for their […]
Completions to the history of Ghenghea family Autor: Lucian-Valeriu LEFTER Cuvinte-cheie: Moldavia, boyars, villages, family, modernity, hierarchy Having an age confirmed in the fifteenth century, Ghenghea family started to gain political importance in the sixteenth century, when some of its members held dignitaries, and reached its peak during the next century, when Ionaşco Ghenghea […]
Les intérêts français au bas-Danube à la moitié du XIXe siècle à travers la correspondance commerciale du consul français Eugène Poujade (1849-1854) Autor: Alina-Florina PLATON Cuvinte-cheie: Eugène Poujade, consulate, Romanian Principalities, Ottoman Empire, consular correspondence, economic relations. The foreign powers’ representatives in the Principalities had an important part in promoting their countries’ and their […]
The Russian occupation of Moldavia (1849-1851). The issue of reimbursement of expenses Autor: Codrin MURARIU Cuvinte-cheie: Moldavia, expenses, payment, Russia, treasury, amount, tax. In contrast with its expected benefits, the retreat of the Russian troops from Moldavia in the spring of 1851 posed a new set of problems for the government of the principality. […]
“The spirit of the french disobedience” in Moldavia. A boyar “enmity” from 1803-1804 and its reasons Autor: Cristian PLOSCARU Cuvinte-cheie: complaint, boyar families, enmity, Moldavia, hatischerif, estates. The fame of a document which would supposedly demonstrate the influence of the French ideology upon the boyar class during the reign of Alexandru Moruzi is, in […]