Publication ethics statement
The editor-in-chief, the members of the editorial board, and those of the scientific committee are to respect the ethical and deontological values specific to the activities within the nowadays academic field. Their decisions are based on the principle of quality and scientific value, the importance and originality of the research. They also consider the active disproof of plagiarism and copyright infringement.
The entire editorial board along with the reviewers analyze all contributions strictly on the basis of their content value, without any discrimination regarding race, gender, religion, ethnic origin, or political orientation of the author/authors.
During the peer review process, the identity of the reviewers to the author/authors, as well as the identity of the author/authors to the reviewers will not be disclosed. At the same time one will not reveal information regarding the contributions to be published to other persons from outside the editorial board. The editorial board will be in permanent contact with the author/authors, having the possibility to offer solutions to various issues related to the contributions in accordance to the reviewers’ opinions.
The author/authors represent the only entity that can be held accountable for the content of the paper sent for publication. The paper must be original and respect all the acknowledged scientific and ethical standards.
There are no fees for processing and publication of the articles.
The author/authors will assign the non-exclusive rights of reproduction and dissemination of the articles throughout the existence of the “Romanian Journal of Modern History”.
All papers sent to the editorial board will enter the peer review process (double blind peer review) in order to establish whether they can be published. Once arrived at the editorial board, the paper will be sent to the reviewers properly chosen according to their expertise and specialization. At the end of the review process they are supposed to provide clear reasons for their decision. Any inconsistencies of scientific, technical, legal or of other nature must be immediately brought to the attention of the editorial board in order to decide upon the continuation or the termination of the peer review process. All information during the peer review process is confidential and can be shared only with the members of the editorial board. The reviewers cannot use the information from the content of the reviewed papers for their own advantage or of the institution where they work.