Stratford Canning de Redcliffe, an inconvenient ally for Edouard Thouvenel Author: Andrada Ligia MANOLE Keywords: Stratford Canning, Edouard Thouvenel, Ottoman Empire, Romanian union. When the issue of the Romanian Principalities’ union appeared as an international matter after the Peace Congress of Paris, following the Crimean War, it became the major reason of tension and […]
Quelques aspects concernant la collaboration du boyard Alecu Ghica avec le prince Mihail Sturdza (1834-1849) Author: Codrin MURARIU Keywords: Alecu Ghica, Mihail Sturdza, opposition, boyars, Department of Internal Affairs, prince. The following study aims to reveal and analyze parts of the discontinuous and often difficult political relationship between one of Moldavia’s most revered boyars […]
From Iaşi to Galaţi and from Galaţi to Iaşi. The activity of French consuls in Galaţi in the first half of the 19th century Author: Ana-Maria CHEŞCU Keywords: commerce, navigation, consul, dragoman, representative office. The purpose of this paper is to present a holistic view of consular activity in the Principality of Moldavia, with […]
Monuments of folk architecture from Botoşani county. The Church of the Transfiguration Author: Petronela-Raluca PODOVEI Keywords: historical monument; religious monument; folk architecture; wooden church; The Church of the Transfiguration (Botoşani). The folk architecture illustrated by religious and civilian monuments is of great significance for the national cultural heritage, being considered a fundamental accomplishment of […]