The body of the dead soldier. Hypostasis of the cadaver during World War I Keywords: The Great War, corpse/cadaver, cultural history, photography, soldiers, heroes, violence, epidemics, religious belief, modernization. Author: Gheorghe NEGUSTOR To study death and the phenomenon of dying means to be put in the situation of having to deal with the bodies […]
Ritual journeys and identity geographies in Romania during the Hohenzollern dynasty Keywords: symbolical geographies, heritage idea, royal ceremony, imaginary, travelling. Author: ANDI MIHALACHE The present paper evokes an epoch when to travel meant to confirm, symbolically, a map, and to commemorate meant to claim, indirectly, some territories. This kind of map creates a personified […]
Arthur Baligot de Beyne – un collaborateur français du prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza Keywords: Arthur Baligot de Beyne, “La Presse d’Orient”, “Le Courrier d’Orient”, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, propaganda, press. Author: Marinela NECOLAU The period of Cuza’s reign has been particularly marked by extensive collaboration with the Frenchman Arthur Baligot de Beyne. He managed to […]
“L’hypothese” maçonnique relative à l’élection d’Alexandru Ioan Cuza en tant que prince régnant des Principautés Unies Keywords: Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Union, freemasonry, historiography. Author: Mihai COJOCARIU In the multiplicity of views on freemasonry in Romanian area, one aspect stubbornly continues to resist: the one expressed by the historiography of Mason origin on a moment […]
Romanians in the diplomatic reports and writings of consul Eugène Poujade Keywords: Eugène Poujade, consulate, Romanian Principalities, society. Author: Alina-Florina PLATON Eugène Poujade is one of the few foreign consuls in Bucharest who published in foreign newspapers studies about the Romanian society in the Moldavia and Wallachia Principalities. Along with diplomatic reports sent to […]
The first town-planning measures of the Balta-Liman Government in Moldavia (1849) Keywords: the Balta-Liman Government, town-planning, transportation, street pavement, Pavements’ Committee, Public Works’ Department, Body of Ephors, budget. Author: Codrin MURARIU Scarcely analyzed, the domain of town-planning measures taken by the Balta-Liman Government at its beginnings encloses a large number of novel and interesting […]
Foreword Author: Mircea-Cristian GHENGHEA Although it might seem quite strange for the year 2010, the number of the publications that deal with modern history only in Romania is not satisfactory. While antique, medieval and contemporary history publications find themselves in a much better situation, the modern history cannot count but a few periodicals. Besides […]