Vol. VIII, No. 1-2, June – December 2017 ARTICLESIzabela Georgiana COROIAN, Infant mortality in rural Transylvania: a case study on four parishes in the second half of the 19th century, p. 5 (read the summary)Mircea-Cristian GHENGHEA, Internal and external conditionings for the constitution of the 1863-1865 Diet in Sibiu within the context of the Liberalist Regime in the Habsburg Empire, p. 19 (read the summary)Marian HARIUC, The revolutionary movement of 1821 in Andrei Oţetea’s historiographical conception, p. 57 (read the summary)BOOK REVIEWS (read the articles)Sorin Guia, Discursul religios. Structuri şi tipuri (Ana-Magdalena PETRARU), p. 77Cristina Bogdan, Moartea şi lumea românească premodernă: discursuri întretăiate (Gheorghe NEGUSTOR), p. 81ABBREVIATIONS, p. 85INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE AUTHORS, p. 87