Vol. V, No. 1-2, June – December 2014 ARTICLESIoan-Augustin GURIŢĂ, Side Notes on the Events in the Moldavian Metropolitan in the First Months of the Year 1786, p. 5 (read the summary)Nicoleta ROMAN, Être nourrice à Bucarest au début du XIXe siècle: pistes de travail, p. 19 (read the summary)Dionisie LIBONI, Contacts between the Romanians from Bessarabia and those from the Principality of Moldova during the Period of Russian Government (1828-1834), p. 41 (read the summary)Ana-Maria CHEŞCU, Foundation, Features and Businesses of the Sardinian Consulate of Galaţi in the First Half of the 19th Century, p. 53 (read the summary)ABBREVIATIONS, p. 75INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE AUTHORS, p. 77