Vol. II, No. 2, December 2011
- Lucian-Valeriu LEFTER, The Last “Dedication” to the Holy Places and the Premises of the Secularization of the Monastery Estates, p. 5 (read the summary)
- Codrin MURARIU, Stephen Goldner versus the Moldavian Government – the Settlement of a Dispute (1849-1850), p. 25 (read the summary)
- Alexandru GAVRIŞ, La fin du gouvernement de Manolache Costache Epureanu en Moldavie (1859-1860) et les commencements de la vie parlamentaire en Roumanie, p. 33 (read the summary)
- Mircea-Cristian GHENGHEA, The French Press and the Events in Bucharest in August 1865. Reactions and Attitudes, p. 53 (read the summary)
- Laura ULINICI, Le testament de Constantin Záppas (le 19 juillet 1891), p. 63 (read the summary)
- Gabriel CONSTANTINESCU, Moral Panics and the “Killer of the Innkeepers” from Bucharest (1899), p. 83 (read the summary)
BOOK REVIEWS (read the articles)
- István Deák, Mai presus de naţionalism (O istorie politică şi socială a corpului de ofiţeri habsburgici, 1848-1918) (Angela CRĂCIUN), p. 105
- Gh. Cliveti, Ionuţ Nistor, Adrian-Bogdan Ceobanu (coord.), Cultură, politică şi societate în timpul domniei lui Carol I. 130 de ani de la proclamarea Regatului României (Codrin MURARIU), p. 109
- Keith Hitchins, Ion I.C. Brătianu (Mircea-Cristian GHENGHEA), p. 115
- Mihai Iacobescu, Gh. Cliveti, Dinu Balan (coord.), In honorem Dumitru Vitcu (Ioan-Augustin GURIŢĂ), p. 121
- Cătălin Mihuleac, Pamfletul şi tableta. Jurnalism sau literatură? (Mircea-Cristian GHENGHEA), p. 127