Vol. I, No. 1, June 2010
- Codrin MURARIU, The First Town-Planning Measures of the Balta-Liman Government in Moldavia (1849), p. 7 (read the summary)
- Alina-Florina PLATON, Romanians in the Diplomatic Reports and Writings of Consul Eugène Poujade, p. 19 (read the summary)
- Mihai COJOCARIU, “L’hypothese” maçonnique relative à l’élection d’Alexandru Ioan Cuza en tant que prince régnant des Principautés Unies, p. 27 (read the summary)
- Marinela NECOLAU, Arthur Baligot de Beyne – un collaborateur français du Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza, p. 45 (read the summary)
- Andi MIHALACHE, Ritual Journeys and Identity Geographies in Romania during the Hohenzollern Dynasty, p. 59 (read the summary)
- Gheorghe NEGUSTOR, The Body of the Dead Soldier. Hypostasis of the Cadaver during World War I, p. 77 (read the summary)
BOOK REVIEWS (read the articles)
- Mihai Cojocariu, Zimbrul şi Vulturul. Cercetări privitoare la Unirea Principatelor (Codrin MURARIU), p. 93
- Andi Mihalache, Alexandru Istrate (coordonatori), Romantism şi modernitate. Atitudini, reevaluări, polemici (Anca VOICU), p. 97
- Ionuţ Nistor, “Problema aromână” în raporturile României cu statele balcanice (1903-1913) (Mircea-Cristian GHENGHEA), p. 103
- Janet Clarkson, Menus from History: Historic Meals and Recipes for Every Day of the Year, 2 vols. (Georgiana GHEORGHICĂ), p. 105
- Neagu Djuvara, Ce au fost boierii mari în Ţara Românească? Saga Grădiştenilor (secolele XVI-XX) (Alina-Florina PLATON), p. 109